Abigail Leonard, ASLA, MLA

Abigail is the lead planting designer for Phoenix Habitats, a design-build habitat restoration and native planting firm in Portland, Oregon.  With a background in art and over ten years of combined experience in many sides of the landscape industry – nursery growers, fine garden management, and landscape design –  she is able to craft sustainable and beautiful planting compositions for projects on all scales throughout the Willamette Valley.  These include natural area plans for wetlands and Oak Savanna restoration projects, native planting retrofits in city and county parks, and garden designs for private homes and municipal landscapes.  Through collaboration with other women-owned businesses in Landscape Architecture, Abigail seeks to elevate dialogues around beautiful planting and habitat restoration in contemporary landscape design.

Abigail earned a Masters of Landscape Architecture degree from Morgan State University in 2018 and prior to graduation worked at Oehme van Sweden & Associates in Washington DC.  She was honored to be recognized as a WxLA scholar in 2021, and recently taught the planting design course for graduate students in landscape architecture at Morgan State University.


Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD
Master of Landscape Architecture

University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Bachelor of Arts in Art History, History of Western Landscapes Concentration

American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)
ASLA Oregon Climate Action Committee - member
Ecological Landscape Alliance
Oregon Native Plant Society